Thomas Hampel  

By Thomas Hampel | 12/13/24 5:35 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

*** ALERT *** Development team just identified a new issue which will affect ALL Domino server versions as of TODAY ( 13th of December 2024 ) Starting as of today, if you restart your Domino server, a router error will result in delivery failures due to a routing loop. Mail rules will also start failing. It is a date/time issue in our code. We will of course provide a fix as soon as possible for all Domino versions that are in support. Furthermore for older versions in extended support, customers with an extended support agreement will be provided with a fix as well.

Welcome Domino License Analysis Utility (DLAU) 1.2.2  

By Thomas Hampel | 2/20/24 5:28 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

The new version 1.2.2 of the Domino License Analysis Utility (DLAU) has just been published. The tool allows customers to analyze their current environment to identify the license needs. The new version addresses a number of issues ad improvement requests customers had reported, here's a short list.

Open Sourcing Domino Templates - Part 1  

By Thomas Hampel | 1/8/24 3:52 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

HCL just open sourced a number of Domino templates! This initiative of HCL was announced by Richard Jefts to support a more open and vibrant developer community. Main purpose is to allow developers and partners to extend, modify and tweak the product templates, reuse parts of the code in own solutions and allowing those modified versions to be redistributed. Now with the the Apache 2.0 license this will be possible. Also it is now possible to update these templates outside of product releases in a more consistent way if necessary.

Is HCL Notes / Domino affected by SMTP smuggling?  

By Thomas Hampel | 1/4/24 1:54 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

SMTP Smuggling is a newly discovered attack to a number of mail server products and mail hosting providers. All mail transfer are based on the SMTP protocol that exists for years where server and client, or two servers talk to each other as defined in an internet standard (RFC 5321) Even with perfect antispam checking, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc in place, the vulnerability would allow sending spoofed emails, which can result in a huge problem.

Is HCL Notes/Domino using Oracle Java?  

By Thomas Hampel | 10/14/23 7:42 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

The short answer: No! Background: On January 23, 2023, Oracle announced (again) yet another new licensing model for Oracle Java that represents a dramatic price increase for large organizations. This can lead to interesting discussions since e.g., a 40,000-employee organization could be asked spending USD $2.5M annually just on Oracle Java alone. What Java version is used by Notes and Domino? Notes and Domino are providing the Java runtime as part of the product, so customers do NOT need to download or install the Java runtime environment separately. Since the JVM/JDK is part of the licensed product, it is covered under the product license of HCL or previously the product license of IBM. With the acquisition of the product by HCL, dependencies to IBM Java were removed and got replaced with OpenJDK effectively in version 11.0.0 of HCL Notes/Domino. Java updates are provided by HCL (and previously by IBM) typically as part of regular fix packs.

Admin Client - custom icons for each domain?  

By Thomas Hampel | 6/13/23 2:39 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

When you have to manage multiple Domains in your Admin client, finding the right domain This example here is just showing two Domino Domains, but there are admins out there with 100+ domains to manage. Maybe you want some custom icons then?

Group 3 Languages for HCL Notes and Domino 11.0.1  

By Thomas Hampel | 8/19/21 1:33 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

Good news: HCL Notes 11.0.1 is now available in even more languages! You asked for it (see DOMINO-I-831 and NTS-I-842), so in addition to the 16 languages the Notes client was already providing, HCL is delivering nine more language translations.

Developers: New C API Toolkit 11.0.1 now available  

By Thomas Hampel | 2/9/21 2:18 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Good news for developers and partners out there who work on plugins and extensions for Domino. We just published a new version of the C API Toolkit, actually the first new version since more than 7 years. This is the first HCL shipment of the C API and it signals an ongoing commitment to revamp the C API delopment story, it now supports building applications using the GUI environment for Visual Studio 2017.

Y2k21 problem in Notes property box - Created date is empty  

By Thomas Hampel | 1/5/21 7:27 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

2021 started with a little surprise: The property box in your HCL Notes client doesn’t show the Created date for documents created in 2021 any longer. It affects just the display of the date/time value in the property box in all the Notes clients (Standard & Basic, on MacOS and Windows). From a technical point of view the date/time values are still there but they are just not displayed in the property box.

HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program - New October release is available now  

By Thomas Hampel | 10/14/20 1:04 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Last month we have introduced the HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program, in which we are providing customers the chance to test new product features early in the development cycle. Our engaged development team has provided a new code drop (named "October 2020") which is available now for download at Flexnet to all current customers. This code drop provides a number of very interesting features that our dev team wants to have YOUR feedback on:

Domino Portable Edition - Building the smallest Domino server - Hot Pants for Geeks  

By Thomas Hampel | 8/4/19 3:45 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Matteo Bisi

Two weeks ago at the the HCL Factory Tour #3 we've shown the (possibly) smallest Domino server ever built. With just 47,88 ccm (6,3 x 9,5 x 0,8 cm) it is just a little bigger than a credit card and small enough to fit your pocket. Also, for those of you who remember, it's much smaller than the Lotus Foundations box which Mike Rhodin introduced at Lotusphere 2008. Thanks to Panagenda we also were able to show that you can run Domino off the grid.

Domino on Docker Project Updates  

By Thomas Hampel | 7/23/19 8:20 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

Daniel and me are working on the Domino on Docker project which has been around for a while. We are constantly updating it with more functionality. Beside the main functionality of providing an automated installation we have a management script that can help to build custom Domino docker images for (e.g.) including applications.

IBM Domino Mobile Apps - the Notes Client for your iPad  

By Thomas Hampel | 11/4/18 5:11 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

At the IBM Domino V10 Launch event in Frankfurt we announced to start a public Beta for IBM Domino Mobile Apps (=DMA), which is a Notes Client for the Apple iPad to be available on Oct. 31 and perfectly on time for Halloween we opened the Beta Sign up form for anybody to participate and also tweeted about it.

Domino V10: Behind the Beta  

By Thomas Hampel | 8/29/18 4:39 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

Last week we took a big step in our journey towards IBM Domino V10 by releasing Beta 2 — inviting the broader dev community to help bring back Domino, better than ever. Over the past month, members of the Beta 1 program have had the opportunity to explore the latest version of IBM Domino Server, IBM Domino Designer, and the IBM Notes Client. The testers were able to see improvements to the revised workspace, self-healing clusters, extended database limits, and more.

Run Mail Rules on existing mail  

By Thomas Hampel | 1/18/18 8:32 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

Maybe you noticed but with Notes 9.0.1 FP9 you can (finally) run mail rules on existing messages. You can use mail rules to run actions on mail already in mail folders. This feature existis within the FP9 mail template and is hidden by default. To use it, your administrator must upgrade your mail file to the Feature Pack 9 template.

Domino SingleSignOn - Level 2 - Self Service Password Reset Application  

By Thomas Hampel | 2/14/17 3:16 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

Based on a recent discussion with a customer it seems there still is not enough information on how to simplify authentication for Notes/Domino users. This is the second post our of a series of blog posts describing how to move from password based to seamless authentication.

What is the size limits for embedded images in IBM Connections?  

By Thomas Hampel | 9/5/16 9:09 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

IBM Connections Cloud is offering a wooping 1 TByte of personal file storage and 50 Gbyte of storage for each community. What you might not be aware of is that there is another limit which apply when embedded images.

Domino Security - Disable HTTPEnableConnectorHeaders NOW  

By Thomas Hampel | 11/9/15 12:54 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

There is a seucrity issue with Domino which allows anybody to gain access without authentication. Jesper Kiaer wrote about this problem before in his blog post ( Part1 and Part2 ) and also created a video showing the problem.

Out of Office - Send Full Copy to deputy  

By Thomas Hampel | 8/9/15 12:28 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Summer time, vacation time... You have enabled Out of Office notification, so why would you want to duplicate inbound mails? Lets say you really are offline and you want your deputy / stand-in to take care of new mails, what options do you have? In best case we want a deputy to receive a copy of each mail while keeping the original mail in your inbox.

Mindoo FTP Server stopped running in Domino  

By Thomas Hampel | 7/23/15 5:29 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

The Mindoo FTP Server project provides an FTP server wrapped into an XPages application. It is based on the Apache FtpServer which runs as OSGi plugin on the server side. One day a customer reported the FTP server would no longer work. A quick check showed that port 21 does not respond any longer.

Import & Export Internet Certificates Programatically  

By Thomas Hampel | 6/18/15 11:19 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

We all know that Admins are lazy. Being lazy can be helpful when having development skills, especially to reduce the amount of helpdesk calls by automating boring work. How to import X509 certificates into a Notes ID when the certificate itself is stored in the Windows certificate store?

Domino CA Process ’Error processing CCS Mod Request’  

By Thomas Hampel | 6/3/15 6:44 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

The CA process in Domino is a server task to manage and process certificate requests. It is very helpful if you want support staff to register new users without knowing the password to your Domino Certificate. As employees join or leave the support team you'll have to add / remove people.

Users can create new mails despite being over quota  

By Thomas Hampel | 5/29/15 4:45 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

You have deployed mail quotas in your environment and your Notes Clients are configured to use local replicas or managed replicas. Still you experience mail files are growing over quota limits without user complaints. How is this possible?

Display Photo in Sametime Business Cards  

By Thomas Hampel | 5/27/15 8:55 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

Although pictures have been imported to the Domino Directory they were not showing up. It looks like the upgrade has overwritten the configuration we used before. Since version 9.0 the business card can be configured in the Sametime System Console under "Sametime Servers" by selecting the Sametime Community Server which you want to configure.

Configure Sametime Community Server Policies without System Console - Policies.User.XML parameters explained  

By Thomas Hampel | 5/24/15 5:10 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

Upgrading Sametime Community Servers from 8.5.x to 9.0.x requires installing a Sametime System Console Server (SSC) where policies can be configured. Although you can follow this perfect documentation to set up your environment, it might take some time and resources to complete.

Sametime Missing single sign on token - again  

By Thomas Hampel | 3/23/15 5:07 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

The Problem: Initial authentication is working fine, but when disconnecting the network cable + reconnecting again, users see "Missing SingleSignOn Token", or authentication does not work at all without any error message. The problem can be resolved by restarting the client. However, this is not an acceptable solution.

AdminP Move User - Access Rights seem not to work in Domino 9.0.1FP1 and how to work around  

By Thomas Hampel | 1/13/15 12:49 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

Moving mail files from server to server is a simple task, AdminP handles this job properly. It does even work across domains... and it worked perfectly in numerous projects in the past. Until today when I ran into a problem where the same process 'all of a sudden' (**what else**) caused an error in AdminP - but only for a specific group of destination servers.

Monitoring IBM Domino Server on Linux via SNMPv3  

By Thomas Hampel | 1/5/15 9:43 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

Monitoring Domino servers via SNMP should be a simple task, if it would be documented properly. There are quite a few blog posts out there on the internet such as this nice article by Detev Schuemann which unfortunately is in German.. So I'd like to provide an english translation with a few updates which in my opinion are valuable.

Deploying IBM Notes Dictionaries in XTAF format using Widgets  

By Thomas Hampel | 12/17/14 7:47 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Kenio Carvalho

Believe it or not, English is not the only language on our planet...and the Notes client of course needs to provide spell checking capabilities for the most common languages.

Create a replica without having direct server access  

By Thomas Hampel | 7/5/13 12:46 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Niklas Heidloff

You want to create a new replica of an existing database on a server which you are responsible for, you are not allowed to access the remote server.