Classic Domino and HTML 5  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/28/24 8:21 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Sometimes a simple web application based on classic Domino is in place. However Domino has not been updated in this area for many years. If you create a form and use it on the web it will create a very old HTML document type. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> In 2024 you probably want to use HTML 5 and some of the newer features in it. Fortunately you can change it to HTML 5.

The very useful little feature of a NotesItem  

By Jesper Kiær | 10/2/23 2:02 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Sometimes there are these little things that you somehow do not notice ...until one day you do. The thing I stumbled on, is that the NotesItem has a property called "SaveToDisk". You can set whether a NotesItem should be saved to disk or not when a document is saved,

Workspace all grey - no icons - workaround  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/17/23 6:30 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

If you are running Notes 12.0.2 or higher you will for sure at some point run into an error were the workspace tabs fills out the entire workspace and you can not access you workspace database icons no more. There is nothing you can do in the UI to fix it. The problem is due to a new setting in the notes.ini and and is easy fixable, if you know what to fix

HCL Domino, view indexer stuck with very high CPU usage  

By Jesper Kiær | 1/2/23 6:16 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

I have a customer who has a Domino server running with very high CPU usage, and it should not, since it is not a very busy server. It is the indexer which gets stuck with very high CPU usage

HCL Notes 12.0.2 - New Signature feature seems broken   

By Jesper Kiær | 11/21/22 2:07 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

To test the new HCL Notes 12.0.2 "Signature" feature I created a simple form with a Rich Text Lite field for testing out the feature. I have have removed all options,but the signature feature for the field. Only a part of the image seem to be saved in the field.

Has the Domino Passthru server been a big security hole all these years?  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/24/22 2:36 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

The idea of a Domino as a passthru server is a bit like a Reverse Proxy. If you have 5 Domino servers on your internal network, and only one external IP address, it can be difficult to get access to more than one Domino server from the internet. To remedy this you can set up the one Domino server you can access from the internet to be a Passthru server.

Domino V12 can not run on Windows Server 2019 with Active Directory installed and weird deletions of Domino EXE files  

By Jesper Kiær | 3/2/22 3:21 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

I had a really bizarre experience with installing (as additional Domino server) and running Domino V12.0.1 on a Windows Server 2019 running Active Directory.

How to get a Live Text Widget up and running.   

By Jesper Kiær | 9/28/21 1:40 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

I recently wrote about how Live Text was very popular at customer, because it would recognize certain text everywhere and provide a related document lookup. It is very simple and no coding is involved, but you may need to use some Regex to define what text is to be recognized. Hogne B. Pettersen in the comments asked if I could show how it could be done So here is a way to get you up and running.

Automatic "one time" deletion of Cache.ndk at start  

By Jesper Kiær | 6/1/21 2:22 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

I have had users with different (weird) issues since V11 and all that would fix it was a deletion of the cache file Cache.ndk. Cache.ndk is great for performance and you do want to keep it around, however sometimes you just need to delete it to fix issues and let it rebuild again at a Notes restart  

By Jesper Kiær | 8/24/20 5:03 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

Recently at a customer I had made some changes to a solution. I was running HCL Notes V11 and everything ran fine on my PC. Soon an office complained about some code had stopped working.I had upgraded a script library to a newer version of Apache POI for working with Excel files in some agents.

UPDATE on Domino Designer and LibreOffice issue  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/14/19 6:40 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

In my other blog entry "Domino Designer (and Sametime) breaks..." I wrote about the issue many had with Domino Designer V10 breaking down with fonts issues, XPages not working, Sametime looking weird etc. After working on the issue for months I had finally nailed it down to LibreOffice 6 as being the culprit.

Domino Designer (and Notes Sametime) breaks in version V10, this is why and how to fix it.  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/10/19 9:14 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

There is a horrible bug in V10 (maybe V9FP10 too). In Designer open a form, close a form and everything breaks, font changes, XPages no longer works etc. In search for the cause Over the past many frustrating months I have been changing different settings, doing upgrades and downgrades, uninstalls, NICE, doing a fresh Notes install, install to different folder... to fix the issue

IBM Domino, a very annoying performance issue now SOLVED  

By Jesper Kiær | 8/29/17 2:03 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

For the past years a customer of mine has had IBM Domino performance issues with a Domino Server. The issue concerned was really felt when working with attachments. The company has small offices around the world, so we use SmartUpgrade (which in general works well) to manage Notes Feature Pack upgrades.

Making "X-Forwarded-For" log feature IBM Domino FP8 actually work  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/17/17 2:17 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

In March I wrote about the new log feature in IBM Domino in connection with using a Reverse Proxy. The issue is that you will always get the IP address of the Reverse Proxy in you HTTP log files and not the actual IP of the user.

New logging feature in IBM Domino FP8 when using Reverse Proxy - X-Forwarded-For  

By Jesper Kiær | 3/28/17 7:42 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

When using a Reverse Proxy (like Nginx) is in front of a IBM Domino web server you have the issue that the IP address of the client accessing the Domino web server is not forwarded to the log files on the Domino server. What you get is the IP address of the Reverse Proxy instead...which is not very helpful.

IBM Domino: Moving the view indexes outside the NSF database  

By Jesper Kiær | 3/13/17 9:10 AM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

As a new feature in IBM Domino Feature Pack 8 (FP8) for IBM Domino 9.0.1 is that you can move the view indexes outside the NSF. View indexes and Full Text Indexes are data derived from the "core" data, the documents in the database. This means they can always be rebuilt, if you have the data in the documents.

Shrinking the 0.44 MB large IBM Domino favicon.ico to something useful  

By Jesper Kiær | 1/26/17 2:31 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Normally favicons are very tiny graphic files, just a few KB in size. But to my surprise I saw that the IBM Domino favicon was a whopping 449,4 KB in size . and took over 0.7 seconds to load

Don't install the IBM Notes 9.0.1FP5 SHF106 - it will break your OpenNFT Extlib installation  

By Jesper Kiær | 12/25/15 6:43 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

The other day I upgraded my IBM Notes client with 9.0.1FP5 SHF106 and all went well. However when I open my designer the OpenNTF ExtLib was gone..??

Security hole leaves IBM Domino server wide open - Part Two  

By Jesper Kiær | 10/28/15 6:31 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In Part One I wrote that is recommended by IBM to set "HTTPEnableConnectorHeaders=1" in the notes.ini file when having a Reverse Proxy, IBM HTTP server etc in front of a IBM Domino server This makes the Domino accept and understand some predefined HTTP request header fields.

Security hole leaves IBM Domino server wide open - Part One  

By Jesper Kiær | 10/28/15 6:08 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

IBM has lately been playing a "catch up" game in regards to security with IBM Domino. With Poodle, Heartbleed etc. IBM has been busy with fixes for IBM Domino, but it is mess for Administrators to fix issues and only version 9 of IBM Domino is being fully fixed. This means that many have been using a Reverse Proxy, like Nginx, HAProxy or the included IBM HTTP Web Server in front of the IBM Domino server as a fix.

The very important missing piece in the IBM Domino NSF database  

By Jesper Kiær | 6/2/15 4:30 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by John Oldenburger

There is a lot of good stuff implemented in the IBM Domino database and it is very stabile. There is though a very very important piece missing. There are so many ways to create and save documents in IBM Domino today, from a form, an agent, via DIIOP, via REST, from an XPage ... you name it!

Quick guide on how to index data from IBM Domino databases in the Apache Solr  

By Jesper Kiær | 9/28/14 6:31 PM | Infrastructure - Notes / Domino | Added by Kenio Carvalho

Full Text indexing has always been a great feature of IBM Notes and Domino. In the old days it was rare to see other systems have Full Text Indexing and it was really a unique and useful feature of IBM Notes and Domino.

The extremely slow categorized views has been fixed in IBM Domino 9.0.1  

By Jesper Kiær | 11/11/13 9:21 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

I have written about viewpanels in XPages in IBM Domino being very very slow. Philippe Riand some time ago wrote to me that a fix would be available in 8.5.4 aka 9.0, but a apparently the fix did not make in time. But in 9.0.1 there is a fix for the issue :-)