Next: DNUG Development Day   

By Oliver Busse | 1/28/19 3:52 PM | - | Added by Matteo Bisi

Our awesome local user group DNUG is hosting the next event in Essen, Germany: the DNUG Development Day. My session is about Domino's Node.js integration and the Domino Query Language. Go and check out the event here, there are some seats available:

IBM Verse - my first thoughts  

By Oliver Busse | 4/29/15 4:07 PM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

After several approaches to get my registration working for IBM Verse I finally received my account information. Thanks to Fredrik Norling who told me not to use a GMail account for registration but a "serious" company account. With that being done it "only" took 3 days to get it.