Classic Domino and HTML 5  

By Jesper Kiær | 5/28/24 8:21 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Sometimes a simple web application based on classic Domino is in place. However Domino has not been updated in this area for many years. If you create a form and use it on the web it will create a very old HTML document type. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> In 2024 you probably want to use HTML 5 and some of the newer features in it. Fortunately you can change it to HTML 5.

The very useful little feature of a NotesItem  

By Jesper Kiær | 10/2/23 2:02 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Sometimes there are these little things that you somehow do not notice ...until one day you do. The thing I stumbled on, is that the NotesItem has a property called "SaveToDisk". You can set whether a NotesItem should be saved to disk or not when a document is saved,

How to get a Live Text Widget up and running.   

By Jesper Kiær | 9/28/21 1:40 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

I recently wrote about how Live Text was very popular at customer, because it would recognize certain text everywhere and provide a related document lookup. It is very simple and no coding is involved, but you may need to use some Regex to define what text is to be recognized. Hogne B. Pettersen in the comments asked if I could show how it could be done So here is a way to get you up and running.  

By Jesper Kiær | 8/24/20 5:03 AM | Development - Notes / Domino | Added by Oliver Busse

Recently at a customer I had made some changes to a solution. I was running HCL Notes V11 and everything ran fine on my PC. Soon an office complained about some code had stopped working.I had upgraded a script library to a newer version of Apache POI for working with Excel files in some agents.