Using Validation and Vibration API in HTML5  

By Naveen Maurya | 8/12/14 2:11 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

HTML5 provides bevy of features which enable developers to build some really interesting applications. In this example I will build a small HTML5 based validation which will vibrate the mobile device in case of invalid input.

Functions and properties of the XSP object  

By Naveen Maurya | 8/9/13 11:15 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

Stephan Wissel has blogged about some useful functions of XSP object. But the list is not complete. So I decided to put the XSP object through my helper JavaScript function listPropsAndFunctions. Below is the list of whatever I could find. I would be updating this list with explanation of whatever properties and functions I am able to find from time to time.