Thank You NOTES IN 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

By Mark Roden | 9/19/16 9:54 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

Once upon a time there was a guy who worked for a trucking company and he decided that he needed to learn this new XPages thing – and he figured why not share what I am doing? That was over 7 years ago and it grew into the largest single video repository in the history of IBM Domino.

Slides from ICONUS 2016: XPages and Office 365 development – more familiar that you think  

By Mark Roden | 5/9/16 3:46 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Here is the slide deck from my ICON US virtual presentation on XPages and Office 365 development

Speaking at Engage: “Dev04. XPages and Office 365 development – more familiar that you think”  

By Mark Roden | 2/29/16 1:38 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I am very proud to be speaking at the Engage 2016 User Group conference, in Eindhoven March 24th Thursday, March 24 | 09:00 - 10:00 | D. Saturn This is a very interesting session for me personally because it reflects how my job has allowed me to evolve into areas of development which are not just XPages.

Thank you for another great year, 2015  

By Mark Roden | 1/6/16 2:01 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

This post is a little later than in previous years, lots to reflect on. My job has changed a lot this year, it has been quite an eye opener. It has been the best year of my professional career by far. I would love to be able to say that every year, but that is not always the case. First of all I have to say a perverse thank you to Andrew Barickman for leaving PSC.

OneUI ? IE7? Seriously…………? Another one of *those* days…  

By Mark Roden | 9/30/15 4:21 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Working with a client and we are trying to insert some Bootstrap code into a OneUI site running on IE11 – everything was working smoothly until we actually tested in IE11. (Of course we developed using Chrome – well who wouldn’t….) So finding the root cause of the problem was simple – Compatibility Mode being run on the customer intranet – AAAAAAh yes that old chestnut – well we overcome that issue with a phaseListener as documented by Mark Hughes many years ago.

The coolest XPages demo ever – revealed  

By Mark Roden | 8/20/15 4:30 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

During the AD105 presentation at MWLUG this afternoon, Ryan Baxter and I demonstrated how you can use an XPages application to control a Drone. We were able to make it take off, take a picture and then land, all from an XPage application interface. For more on how this works check out Ryan’s Video.

Bluemix Monitoring and Analysis – Diagnostics version  

By Mark Roden | 7/22/15 8:20 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

In this article I will show how to utilize some aspects of the paid Bleumix Monitoring and Analysis service to look inside the performance of your applications. I am in a state of shock, as I am writing this post I actually broke my application, and used these very tools to figure out why……………..COOL !!!

Bluemix Monitoring and Analytics – free service  

By Mark Roden | 7/19/15 6:01 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

In this article I will introduce the free IBM Bluemix Monitoring and Analytics service and show some of the available information. From the Bluemix Dashboard select one of your node applications and then “Add a new Service” – scroll down until you find the DevOps section and select Monitoring and Analysis.

XPages in Bluemix – Pushing new changes via Bluemix git repository  

By Mark Roden | 7/16/15 12:28 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

In this article I will look at modifying the out of the box boilerplate application and starting to look at the tooling around the new XPages in Bluemix capability. I will specifically talk about the use of the Bluemix integrated git repository. In the previous article I walked through the basic steps of creating the boilerplate XPages application.

XPages in Bluemix – Looking at the application dashboard  

By Mark Roden | 7/14/15 9:05 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will explain the XPages in Bluemix application dashboard and what is available to the developer from the Bluemix web interface.

XPages in Bluemix – where is the design and where is the data?  

By Mark Roden | 7/13/15 7:19 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Digging into the code for the example database - aaaah memories - but I normal I am mostly blogging this for my own notes and if someone else happens to get something out of it - great :D Design and Data are separate? So the design and the data are separate - well kinda - in fact…

Creating my first true XPages in Bluemix application  

By Mark Roden | 7/12/15 3:53 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this post I will document my attempt to create my first XPages application in Bluemix. I will be following the documentation (ish) and also clicking around to see what happens. This was written July 2015 and is likely out of date soon after.

XPages in Bluemix – Experimental is live  

By Mark Roden | 7/10/15 9:20 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

Finally - we have XPages in Bluemix. It is currently "Experimental" which means nothing is guaranteed to function as expected, it is basically a good Alpha made available to early adopters for testing. This means that at any time, things could change. The model, the process, the everything.

Contrast makes a difference: making bootstrap badges “pop”  

By Mark Roden | 6/18/15 12:14 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

We have an application which uses Bootstrap badges to display pertinent field based information in a search result display. We were looking at it and it just doesn't seem to stand out as we had expected. Adding the following simple CSS makes all the difference.

Fixing the XPages R9 dojo define.amd problem once and for all  

By Mark Roden | 6/9/15 12:45 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

Last week I blogged about the fact that select2 v4 used define.amd and because of that dojo screws up the jQuery plugin. This has been a significant issue – not hard to deal with but comes up all the time for XPages developers. In the blog post comments Ferry Kranenburg posted a link to a solution he uses.

Select2 v4 needs AMD fixing in Domino R9 XPages  

By Mark Roden | 6/3/15 12:43 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

As we have seen in the past AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) in Dojo causes issues with jQuery plugins and other JavaScript libraries, in that it prevents them from loading correctly. The select2 version4 – new release contains AMD checking code.

Who? Me? SocialBizUg Clippings guru Guidance  

By Mark Roden | 5/17/15 6:13 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

So the great and phenomenal Sir. Julian Robicheaux has decided to pass the torch and retire from the SocialBizUg Clippings Guru Guidance articles. We are all grateful to him for sharing his vast knowledge with us.

Setting Port forwarding for boot2docker to access the internet  

By Mark Roden | 5/7/15 1:05 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

If you have followed the instructions on how to install boot2docker on windows you will discover that the docker VM may not able to talk to the outside world by default. To correct this you have to add port forwarding from the docker VM to the HOST. This is accomplished by the following.

Passing authentication information through the Bluemix Hybrid Secure Gateway  

By Mark Roden | 5/5/15 7:22 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will demonstrate a couple of the things which can be passed through a Bluemix secure gateway, allowing us to create normal web based applications.

How to add a Node.js Express route in a separate file  

By Mark Roden | 4/29/15 1:05 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

In this article I will show how you can manage your routes in a separate file from app.js. It also demonstrates more generally how adding modules to your applications works in node.js. In this article I will create a simple route in a route.js file and reference it from my app.js.

IBMSBT in XPages: Tagging a file  

By Mark Roden | 4/21/15 6:27 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will show how to tag a file in IBM Smartcloud using the JavaScript API.

IBMSBT in XPages: Uploading a new file into Smartcloud  

By Mark Roden | 4/13/15 1:01 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

In this article I will show how to upload a new file into IBM Smarcloud using the IBM Social Business Toolkit. For the demonstration I am working on, I want to be able to upload a file into IBM Smartcloud and then Tag it with a value so that I may search by Tag at a later date. This article will discuss how to upload the new file and then in the next article I will discuss Tagging.

Aborting a jQuery ajax request  

By Mark Roden | 4/5/15 9:08 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will show how you can abort a jQuery ajax request, preventing your user experience from disappearing into space. Introduction We have all done it - opened a page which runs an infinite loop consisting of some form of while(true). But no-one means to do that on purpose....

Integrating a Twitter bootstrap UI application into IBM Connections and MS SharePoint  

By Mark Roden | 4/1/15 1:05 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

In the last 12 months I have twice presented at MWLUG 2014 and ConnectED 2015 (with Mark Leusink) on how to run a Domino/Angular.js application in IBM Connections and SharePoint. One of the hurdles to doing that was to figure out how to integrate bootstrap with the OneUI layout of Connections and MS SharePoint built in style. This was the original application.

Aligning bootstrap well heights within the same row  

By Mark Roden | 3/30/15 12:59 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

On a bootstrapped page layout, misaligned well heights within a single row are ugly at best and downright unprofessional looking at worst. So I created a simple jQuery routine which will: Cycle through each row, Create a variable = 0, For each well in this row, Check the height of each well, If the height is larger than the current largest value increase it.

IBMSBT in XPages: Custom Business Cards  

By Mark Roden | 3/23/15 2:20 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

In this article I will introduce the JavaScript API for Social Business Toolkit and show how to make a simple custom vCard using the jQuery hovercard.js plugin. When you are modifying on premises Connections there is an API interface provided and described by IBM for integration of the Profiles Business Card.

Eclipse (DDE) shortcuts: F4 – Class Hierarchy  

By Mark Roden | 3/18/15 2:08 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

As I start to learn Java I am going to document some of the shortcuts I find and / or people show me (more likely)- very helpful.

IBMSBT in XPages: My Communities  

By Mark Roden | 3/16/15 2:26 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

In this article I will describe how to display a list of “My Communities” in an XPage. To do this I will have to create an ArrayList of communities and use a repeat control in an XPage to display them. As I showed in this previous blog post there were some interesting issues in setting up the managed beans for getting the communities out of connections/smartcloud.

Something missing in smartcloud SBT ? – “Cannot find Endpoint connections”  

By Mark Roden | 3/15/15 4:31 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I started down the path of adding “My Communities” to my little test database and following the same process as I had found the profile information I went to the playground and looked at the Java snippets for SmartCloud

Scoping your beans correctly with the IBM Social Business Toolkit  

By Mark Roden | 3/12/15 2:18 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

If you are setting up the IBM Social Business Toolkit within your XPages application – the faces-config.xml is where you configure your SBT connection to Smartcloud/Connections. This particular issue arose for us recently but makes perfect sense once we understood what was going on. Initially we had the following and everyone who accessed the application got the same list of one user’s files.