Setting up your development environment for CSJS development  

By Keith Strickland | 11/23/14 12:41 PM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

Let's face it, Domino Designer (DDE) isn't the best tool for developing CSJS applications. I would argue that it may not be the best tool for developing XPages but that's another argument for another day. But I think we can all agree that DDE's javascript editor leaves a lot to be desired.

Modern Domino: Bootstrap 3 Inheritable Layout  

By Keith Strickland | 5/30/14 7:30 PM | - | Added by Kenio Carvalho

Bootstrap is a very nice platform for creating nice looking responsive web applications. To use Bootstrap in your XPages applications you have 2 choices: The Bootstrap4XPages project or just manually include it in your application.

D3.js Charting  

By Keith Strickland | 3/16/14 12:26 PM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

I've been doing quite a bit of work here lately with D3.js . This is a CSJS library for creating visualizations of data. I'm still really liking D3, it provides a very nice framework for doing some really powerful visualizations.

Modern Domino: REST Services  

By Keith Strickland | 2/27/14 4:29 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I’ve been doing a lot of development here lately implementing and tweaking a REST service for redpill Now to get some better performance from the service. During this evolution I’ve come to a few conclusions about how best to handle the delivery of data via a REST service and thought this might be useful to others.

Mobile Navigation Handling  

By Keith Strickland | 2/23/14 11:48 AM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

I've recently been fielding some questions about how to best handle navigation within a mobile application. My response has consistently been to use a stack to record where a user has been as they're leaving each page. A stack is just an...

Troubleshooting XPages  

By Keith Strickland | 2/11/14 5:09 PM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

Here lately I've been getting a lot of questions from people just starting the XPages or Mobile journey about how to troubleshoot their applications. So I've compiled a few tools in this post that should help you figure out what's going on in your...

Asymmetric Modernization Explained  

By Keith Strickland | 11/24/13 4:35 PM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

Last month I had a lead in to Assymetric Modernization and how it can help you keep your apps modern. Well this month I'm going to explain just what Asymmetric Modernization is. The short version is adding core features and functionality to many...

Modern is a journey, not a destination  

By Keith Strickland | 10/28/13 9:48 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

We at Red Pill Development have a common saying that Modern is a journey, not a destination. There are a few reasons why we make this statement.

Making your Bootstrap site responsive  

By Keith Strickland | 9/20/13 3:27 PM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

So you've been reading a lot about Bootstrap in the XPages community. With the announcements of late it's really no surprise, plus bootstrap is a very nice framework for creating nice layouts quickly and with minimal effort. So you've started...

Modern Domino: Resource Consolidation  

By Keith Strickland | 9/18/13 12:28 AM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

I’ve recently been introduced to a static site generator called Middleman. This is a platform for assembling and demoing a site mockup.

The modern Notes Developer  

By Keith Strickland | 8/14/13 11:35 AM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

At Red Pill Development we have a saying that "Modern is not a destination, but a journey". I'm not going to go into why we say this, but in order to partake in this journey the modern Notes Developer will need some tools at his/her fingertips...

Add Custom Style Classes to IBM Renderers  

By Keith Strickland | 7/15/13 7:00 AM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

In this article I will show you how to take over an IBM renderer to include twitter bootstrap style classes or change any other part of the rendering of a component. I think an appropriate renderer to take over would be the DataView renderer.

Dojo Mobile ScrollablePane implementation  

By Keith Strickland | 4/21/13 11:47 PM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

At Red Pill Development we're pushing the envelope a bit on XPages Mobile, we're certainly pushing the mobile controls to their limits. Because of this sometimes we need to take matters into our own hands and override the XPages Mobile controls and kind-of take over how they operate or create our own.

JQuery FullCalendar in XPages  

By Keith Strickland | 2/18/13 12:31 AM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

As you might or might not have known, I've been striving for a calendar in XPages since XPages were introduced. I created the XPages Calendar project which was a poor attempt at building a calendar.

What is Modern?  

By Keith Strickland | 10/9/12 12:52 PM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

I've been working a lot lately towards the concept of a modern application. What exactly makes an application modern? Is it the UI? What about the platform the application runs on? Is modern just a feeling the user experiences? If so, what determines that the experience is modern?

Source Control in Domino Designer - Branching  

By Keith Strickland | 10/1/12 11:49 PM | - | Added by Niklas Heidloff

In the previous 2 installments we've setup source control in DDE, ensured we can push/pull to/from the repository and went over importing code from a repository into a new nsf. Today we will be covering creating a new branch, making a change in that branch and then merging the change back into the main code stream.