Splitting up: Another Way to Handle Large Forms – Introduction  

By Daniel Friedrich | 6/22/15 8:54 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

When dealing with large forms with lots and lots of fields on them, be it as a user or developing an application with large forms, you've probably encountered the issue of validation and ease of navigation. When I first started out as a Notes developer, that was something that always bothered me.

Diving into Bootstrap and Font Awesome – Part 5: Checkbox Group  

By Daniel Friedrich | 2/18/15 4:32 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

If you want to style your XPages Checkbox Group with Bootstrap, simply wrap it inside a div with the class "checkbox" If you set the Checkbox Group's property "Layout" to "Vertical": It looks very nice: However, if you set the property "Layout" to "Horizontal", everything looks squashed together. There is no padding between the previous label and the next checkbox.

sessionAsSigner Oddities – Part 1  

By Daniel Friedrich | 2/13/15 11:17 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

During a recent project, I had to start using sessionAsSigner in my SSJS. For those of you, who don’t know what sessionAsSigner does: It allows a current user, to run code and do things he usually wouldn’t be allowed to do, due to his access level for a certain application. sessionAsSigner runs the code with the access level of the signer of the design element.

Diving into Bootstrap and Font Awesome – Part 4: Gone with the Partial Refresh  

By Daniel Friedrich | 2/11/15 11:46 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

In Part 5 of my “Dabbling in Bootstrap and Font Awesome” series, I showed you, how you can add tooltips to your fields / buttons by using the attr properties and initializing it with an output script. If you used this technique, you might have noticed that, after a partial refresh, the tooltips’ Bootstrap rendering is gone.

Diving into Bootstrap and Font Awesome – Part 3: Displaying / Hiding Content Based on Device Type  

By Daniel Friedrich | 1/20/15 1:52 PM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

When designing an application, that is going to be used on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile), your design for each of the devices might be very different from each other. Thus, you need to make sure that each design is only being displayed on the device type, it was designed for. Obviously, you can create different custom controls that will contain the UI for the different devices. But how to hide or display them?