Create an HTML5 chat app on Bluemix with Node.js, Redis, and  

By IBM developerWorks | 7/21/14 11:00 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Create a mobile-friendly HTML5 chat app powered by a Redis service on IBM Bluemix. You'll learn how to use the Node.js and Express module to build a server-side JavaScript application and how to update the client in real time using Web Sockets and When you're done, you'll see how you can deploy your app to the cloud in just one step using the Bluemix platform.

IBM Business Analytics Proven Practices: Implementing an Interactive Map Widget within IBM Cognos Business Insight and IBM Cognos Workspace  

By IBM developerWorks | 4/20/14 11:00 PM | - | Added by Christian Güdemann

This document provides the steps required to implement an interactive map widget for use with IBM Cognos 10.1.1 Business Insight.