IBM Connect 2016 Call for Speakers!  

By IBM Corp. | 8/10/15 10:37 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Tell us your story. Are you ahead of your peers in reimagining how you work? Are you responding rapidly to customer needs in creative, meaningful ways? Are you spending less time behind the scenes and more time out front, leading your future? We want to hear about it.

IBM Watson Analytics is Now Open For Business  

By IBM Corp. | 12/6/14 1:34 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

IBM Watson Analytics helps you find and improve data sets with the touch of a button. You can get to work quickly instead of spending precious time cleaning up and preparing your data.Watson Analytics brings an engaging analytics experience in conversational terms you can understand.

IBM Digital Experience wiki : IBM Digital Experience 2014 - Video Series  

By IBM Corp. | 10/15/14 6:12 AM | - | Added by Kenio Carvalho

Learn about the market-leading IBM Digital Experience software that allows organizations to create customized digital experiences.