ICON US Slides  

By Shean McManus | 5/11/16 6:38 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

On Monday May 9, I presented with Eric McCormick at ICON US on Normalizing xPages Web Development. Here are the slides from that session. Demo code will be available soon as we have a few tweaks to make before posting that link.

MWLUG Recap  

By Shean McManus | 8/22/15 6:41 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

After attending 10 conferences as simply an attendee, the recently concluded MWLUG conference in Atlanta gave me my first opportunity to take a turn at speaking. It was a great experience preparing and presenting for the first time and I couldn't be happier that I took the chance to step out of my comfort zone and try something different.