Zurich here I come – speaking at SNoUG about Vaadin  

By René Winkelmeyer | 9/4/15 1:22 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I’ve been accepted for speaking at the annual Swiss Notes User Group meeting in Zurich, which takes place at 28th October 2015. With a provocative session (title). Vaadin – XPages 2.0?

Meetups, usergroups, conferences and YOU are the blood in the body of each technology  

By René Winkelmeyer | 8/6/15 8:16 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

This is a post that I wanted to write for a long time. I’ve never really finished my thoughts, but I think it’s now time to get that out of my head. Let’s start with a very important statement: I won’t write about a specific technology or vendor in here. What I want to say is about technology – and passion – in general. Even if my experience is mainly bound to some specific technology.