Guidelines and practical examples to get started with SBT SDK  

By Patrick Kwinten | 11/3/14 2:43 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

The Social Business Toolkit SDK (SBT SDK) is a set of libraries and code samples that you use for connecting to the IBM Social Platform. As a developer you can choose which web development skills fits you best: Java, (client side) JavaScript or XPages. Your social platform may reside in the cloud or on…

Custom control to display a My Communities list  

By Patrick Kwinten | 10/22/14 5:08 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In the managed bean I described in an earlier post there was a method to return a list of communities in IBM Connections where the authenticated user is member of (getMyCommunities()). So what can you do with it? In IBM Connections when you section Communities \ I'm a Member you get to see a list…