My Bluemix Session at DNUG next Week  

By Niklas Heidloff | 11/4/14 3:49 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Next week (Wednesday 11/12) I'll talk about Bluemix and IBM Connections in my DNUG session. Below are some slides to set context. Most of the time I've planned to do Bluemix demos and to explain the sample I published yesterday.

Simple IBM Bluemix Sample accessing IBM Connections  

By Niklas Heidloff | 11/3/14 1:47 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I've published a simple sample application that shows how to access IBM Connections Social Cloud from IBM Bluemix. You can find some screenshots on GitHub. The sample uses AngularJS in the frontend which invokes a REST API returning JSON. The Java backend implementation uses a subset of the Social Business Toolkit SDK to handle the authentication and to easily invoke the Connections REST APIs via the SDK's endpoints and the generic service.

Samples of Watson Services on Bluemix  

By Niklas Heidloff | 10/28/14 9:06 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I've started to try some of the Watson services on Bluemix. Really impressive. Below are some samples that give some ideas what the services do and how to use them. For a list of available services ...