Who? Me? SocialBizUg Clippings guru Guidance  

By Mark Roden | 5/17/15 6:13 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

So the great and phenomenal Sir. Julian Robicheaux has decided to pass the torch and retire from the SocialBizUg Clippings Guru Guidance articles. We are all grateful to him for sharing his vast knowledge with us.

IBMSBT in XPages: Tagging a file  

By Mark Roden | 4/21/15 6:27 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will show how to tag a file in IBM Smartcloud using the JavaScript API.

Something missing in smartcloud SBT ? – “Cannot find Endpoint connections”  

By Mark Roden | 3/15/15 4:31 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I started down the path of adding “My Communities” to my little test database and following the same process as I had found the profile information I went to the playground and looked at the Java snippets for SmartCloud

IBMSBT in XPages: Getting set up with a Social Business Toolkit (Part #2)  

By Mark Roden | 3/10/15 6:54 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will show how to connect to Connections Cloud and in turn how to use the Java API to display “My Files” on an XPage using a simple XPages repeat control.

IBMSBT in XPages: Getting set up with a Social Business Toolkit (Part #1)  

By Mark Roden | 3/9/15 2:31 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

In this article I will begin to introduce IBM Social Business Toolkit (SBT), provide links on how to get it set up, talk briefly about how it works and then provide my first demo on how to get “My Files”.