Where is my Code?  

By Veit Weber | 11/27/15 8:30 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

A lib I've used often lately is Project Lombok. Lombok fills the gap between Java and some C# syntactic sugar features that makes me slightly jealous ;).

Tooltip: unirest - Lightweight HTTP Request Client Libraries  

By Veit Weber | 9/11/15 10:22 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

There are a lot of HTTP libraries available in the Java universe like the Apache HttpClient library. Also Java provides the HttpURLConnection class as a standard on-board. They all have in common that I (and thats just my humble opinion ;)) don't like them really because they feel like a way back in 2001.

Node.js and PostgreSQL  

By Veit Weber | 8/10/15 12:54 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

This tutorial shows how to create a simple web server with a tiny REST "API" and a PostgreSQL database. I asume that you have installed the node.js platform and npm. I'm going to use the node-postgres client to connect to the PostgreSQL database. The installation is easily done with npm.