Show/hide content based on a checkbox – and why you have to do it client side  

By Brendan Long | 10/23/14 6:11 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Today's basic XPages coding adventure sees our hero start from the depths of dodgy and make his way towards the light - quite refreshing really, because most of the time I'm moving in the other direction. The Problem The problem is a typical situation that everybody sees from time to time - a checkbox in…

OneUI, Radio Groups, and CSS Specificity  

By Brendan Long | 6/2/14 6:06 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Using OneUI might be a little passe these days, but I’m all for the easy cop-out if I’m trying to get something out quickly. However, OneUI sometimes brings a few CSS quirks along to XPages that you need to wrestle with and work around.

Checking a File Upload Control – Server Side  

By Brendan Long | 9/13/13 4:51 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

In my latest escapade, I’m looking to provide an avatar-like feature on a staff record so that staff can upload a self-portrait. My first question was around making sure that you only ever have one photo in the photo field, so that we can just upload the first attachment. I also needed to check the file upload first and only clear things out if there was a new image on the way.

Gotcha! applicationScope on Multiple Replicas  

By Brendan Long | 3/6/13 7:29 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

applicationScope is cool, but there is one gotcha that you need to keep in mind when you’re working on an application that will be released into the real world. It’s fairly obvious, but it is worth keeping in mind. applicationScope variables are not replicated between servers. Not even clustered servers.

Are you a Folder-Filer? Get SwiftFile!  

By Brendan Long | 12/12/12 2:44 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

Something I do all too sporadically at work is to write up the occaional notes tip for the unappreciative, but loveable hordes at Callista. I guess I really have no excuse for not doing it more regularly now, so I’ll kick off with one of my favourite little add-ons that everybody should know about – SwiftFile.

Adding a third party java library to your XPages application  

By Brendan Long | 12/6/12 7:03 AM | - | Added by Per Henrik Lausten

I thought I would start off a series (assuming I end up doing more than one) with the tag “CaptainObvious” – small things that most people probably already know, but worth blogging because I couldn’t find the details easily with a quick google search. It’s quite possible that this is well-documented and I just suck at Google, but never mind. First cab off the rank – adding a third party java library to your XPages application.